Friday, September 14, 2007

I Have Two Pea...

...Berry coffee.

I have FIVE new coffee offerings, two of which are unique peaberries.

First on the list is a Nicaragua Matagalpa, which is both of the Pacamara cultivar, and a peaberry. Sweet and smokey, like from a good barbecue. Spicy notes with pulped fruits tobacco, and a hint of pepper at the finish. This is worth two or three cups just for the hell of it.

Second is an extremely rare Sumatra Blue Batak peaberry. This Sumatran hails from the Lake Toba region, where the indiginous Batak people work the coffee. Unlike the heavy and earthy tones one is familiar with in a Sumatran, this coffee has a bright, slightly winey sweetness that carries through the cup. A raw sugar and cinnamon note surround this sweetness that ends with a lingering spice note. An unusual and remarkable Sumatran.

I'll key you in on the next three coffees after the weekend.

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