Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Eye Opening and 'Customers Who Get it'

I live for those 'eye opening' moments when someone takes their first sip--especially if it's my press-pot coffee or a straight latte, cappa, or Americano. When there is an appreciation of the coffee/espresso in the cup, it makes it a great day. Fortunately, we have many of those days.

A few weeks ago a new customer came in, said we were recommended by another shop. He comes every day now and hasn't been back to the other shop. Thank You! :)
When he first came he was looking for 'coffee', we don't do drip coffee, but we do a fantastic fresh-ground, fresh-brewed Americano, and we also do a life-altering press-pot coffee of whatever I have roasted for the week (or additional overrun from customer coffee orders); to make a long story short, he ordered the Americano and was surprised by the depth and complexity of the flavor. He's now bought a new burr grinder, and ordered some of our fresh-roasted coffee so he can expand his enjoyment to press-pot at home. New customers are great. New customers who 'get' it are awesome.

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